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What is the healthiest snack

The healthiest snack is a fruit of some sort.

What is the healthiest snack ever?

popcorn is the healthiest snack

What is the most healthiest snack in the world?

the healthies snack is popcorn with no butter........

What is the healthiest snack food?

Apples, celery, or carrots! They're snack food - because they're so crunchy and yummy! And healthy because, you know, they're healthy ;)

How did George Crum inventions affect us?

He affected us by giving us a tasty snack to eat. Even though the potato chip is unhealthy and not the healthiest snack.

What is the healthiest snack you could eat?

Fruits or vegitables make a good healthy snack. A handful of mixed nuts is never a bad thing. Stay away from things that are too artificial.

Are cookies the healthiest snack?

No... why would you even consider cookies? If you're looking for a healthy snack then grab a piece of fruit, some nuts, or carrots or other vegetables. Cookies are good for dessert though ;)

Information on health korean snacks - for kids?

Well, the healthiest snacks for kids and Adults are fruit and veggies. (grapes, an apple an orange, a banana...etc. This is what I get for snack. It is yummy and healthy!! Good Luck!!

Why does Wiki say the Big Mac is McDonald's healthiest meal when the grilled snack wrap has less calories?

Because they're idiots. There's no way the big mac is the healthiest meal at McDonalds. When I used to diet on weight watchers, I had the grilled chicken sandwich minus the mayo... I think it was only 6 points....

Win a free box of WEXY Bags for the healthiest kid friendly snack. What are some healthy snack ideas for Easter treats?

You could try sweetend pastry carrots, chocolate covered raisins, peanut butter on celery (classic), or just hard boiled eggs. (dye optional)

What is the healthiest coffee?

You can't say "Most Healthiest." Either say "Most Healthy" or "Healthiest."

What is the healthiest thing you can eat?

The healthiest things to eat are fruits and vegetables. The healthiest thing to drink is water.

What is the healthiest thing for you?

The healthiest thing for you is pure water.

Which is the healthiest country in the world?

"Which is the healthiest country in the world'?

What is the healthiest food ever?

The healthiest food ever must be brown rice. The healthiest beverages are obviously milk and water.

What is the healthiest fruit to eat?

The healthiest fruit to eat is guava.

What is the healthiest cigarrette?

The healthiest cigarette is one that you never smoke.

Which oil is healthiest when heated?

Olive oil is healthiest when heated.

Which is the healthiest bred?

oat nut bread is the healthiest bread.

What is Healthiest State in the Nation Campaign's motto?

Healthiest State in the Nation Campaign's motto is 'Making Washington the Healthiest State in the Nation'.

What food group is Cool ranch Doritos in?

Although most people would agree that this is not the healthiest snack, anything in moderation should be find. That being said, while it is not the greatest example of it, all Doritos being largely a corn product would be a grain.

Who are the healthiest people in the world?

The healthiest people in the world are Okinawans from Japan.

What kind of water is the healthiest for your body?

aquasana is the healthiest type of water.

What is Arizona's healthiest food?

Arizona's healthiest food is the Arizona AZ.

What Is the Healthiest Facial Cleanser to use for your TEEN?

nozema is the most healthiest

What is the healthiest cigarette?

The healthiest cigarette is a cigarette which has not been smoked or lighted up

What is the healthiest fruit?

In my opinion, the healthiest fruit is an orange and the second one is an apple.

What is the 'healthiest' fizzy drink?

Sparkling natural mineral water.

Is whole grain the healthiest bread?

Generally, it is one of the healthiest kinds of bread there is.

What is the healthiest brand of babymilk?

The healthiest source of milk for a baby is the baby's mother.

What is the healthiest Samoan food?

um well herodophia is the healthiest food in samoa

What is the healthiest sugar?

The healthiest sugar is the sugar that is unprocessed and it comes from sugar cain.

What is the healthiest kind of cheese for sandwiches?

Swiss cheese is the healthiest kind of cheese.

What is the healthiest fruits and vegetables to eat?

Healthiest fruit would be apples and healthiest vegetable would be Broccoli,cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and green and red cabbage

What is the healthiest Asian food?

Im not sure what the healthiest is but i know that sushi is very healthy

Which is the healthiest bread?

Whole grain breads with no artificial chemicals or refined sugars are the healthiest.

Why did Spartans raise only the healthiest children?

they wanted only the healthiest people in their city.

What is the healthiest rice?

Whole grain rice is the healthiest rice. Brown organic rice.

Is snack an adjective?

No. Snack can be a noun or a verb. But the noun is used as a noun adjunct with other nouns, as in snack time, snack tray, or snack food.

Healthiest food to eat?

the healthiest food to eat is fruit, veg, meat, chocs and sweets

What is the healthiest vegie?

Some of the healthiest veggies are beans and dark leafy veggies, the darker the better.

What is the most healthiest fruit to eat?

the healthiest fruit is apple,bannana,orange main 3

What is healthiest canned soup to eat?

Soups that are low in fat and sodium content are healthiest. Check the label on the can.

Which is the healthiest butter to buy?

Olivio Spreadable Butter with Canola & Olive Oil is the healthiest butter to buy.

What is the healthiest peanut butter brand?

The healthiest brand of peanut butter is NATURALLY MORE. I like JIF

Which nut is the healthiest?

a Brazil nut not only the healthiest but also the tastiest i get the brand called tasty nutrition

Why is snack called snack?

A snack is so called because it is a snack which is suppose to be eaten little for a filling for a hour or two.

What is the healthiest donut to eat?

i would say that a bare donut is the most healthiest because it does not have all of the commodities such as: icing, peanuts, m & m's, etc. So since it doesn't have all of that it is the healthiest donut!

Are fruits a snack?

what is snack

Is In-n-out burger the healthiest burger througout the America?

Nope. The healthiest burger is a veggie burger

What is the healthiest sugar to eat?

The healthiest sugary thing to eat is properly low calories chocolate at about 99 calories


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