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Complete Your Myanmar Tours With a Visit to Mandalay

Thanks to its recent opening, travelers all over the world have a brand new travel option: Myanmar. For several decades Myanmar was closed to the world due to oppressive regime and political instability. Thanks to recent reforms, Myanmar has opened its gates wide open to both international investment, commerce and travel. If you're looking for a travel destination that is off the beat and path and is very different from other places you've visited in Asia, you need to stop by Myanmar. Myanmar is relatively unspoiled, pristine and currently lax the saturation and over commercialization that you would experience when you are traveling to much more popular travel hotspots like Thailand, Singapore, Hongkong or Vietnam. Myanmar has this wild west frontier and unspoiled charm that is sure to draw for many travelers who are on the lookout for new travel experiences. While all of Myanmar is a good choice to visit, there's one particular place that you should definitely stop by, Mandalay. Mandalay is the cultural capital of Myanmar. It was the pre-British colonial era capital of this country and it embodies a lot of this country's cultural essence. In many respects, traveling through Mandalay is like traveling best beaches in myanmar a living and breathing cultural museum. Here are just some of the reasons why you should add Mandalay to your Myanmar travel itinerary.

It is Easy to Think You've Seen it All

Just like traveling throughout South America, Africa or parts of Europe, it's easy to think that because you've been to one part of a larger cultural region, that all other parts would look, feel, smell and taste just like it. In other words people would pretty much dress somewhat similar, have the same religion, or eat the same food. While this is attempting shorthand because it tends to simplify one's experience, it is far from true. beaches in myanmar fact, if you travel throughout Mexico, even though people eat Tacos, there are lots of regional variations. This is especially true when you travel throughout Italy. Italy is really a smorgasbord of regional variations. It's not just about pasta and pizza but it's the many different variations and regional emphasis on these dishes. Just because you've been to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia don't mean that you can skip Myanmar of more importantly, Mandalay. When you visit Mandalay you will definitely see a distinctively Myanmarese perspective and presentation of Southeast Asian culture.

There are More Sights to Your Travel Adventure

beaches in myanmar addition to looking at the regional variations that the culture manifests itself in, there are many different sights to your trip to any country and Mandalay adds a cultural perspective. Yangon is the modern political capital so if you want to appreciate the modern face of Myanmarese culture and government, you need to go to Yangon. However if you want to peek into the historical and cultural soul of Myanmar you need to check out Mandalay. This was the capital the country prior to the British influence so before a western influence came to the country there was Mandalay. It is apparently so exotic and so different that the British writers historically marveled at this city. This is why Mandalay is a must-visit for any first time travelers to Myanmar.

Mandalay Adds an Extra Dimension to Your Myanmar Tours

It's easy to think that if you've traveled to another country that you either seen it all or that one place pretty much looks like any other place. If you see yourself feeling or experiencing this beaches in myanmar your trip to Myanmar, you only need to add Mandalay to your planned Myanmar tours and you will be completely blown away. It's like traveling to Myanmar's version of Venice. Of course the country is not located on a canal, there are no gondolas but you will definitely experience the rich culture and exotic scenery that makes Mandalay a truly distinctive travel destination.

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