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Partnership Opportunities & Benefits
Take this opportunity to partner with us to foster a healthy, vital, and attractive community. Your involvement in high-profile community projects will enhance your reputation as a community leader and legacy builder.
Levels of Sponsorship
Legacy Champion - $25,000
Potential sponsorship of recreation programs or services and upon agreement potential naming rights for major sponsors. You will be proudly acknowledged in the following ways:
- Media coverage
- SLF newsletter and website
- SLF brochures and banners
- Wall plaque
- Saanich Recreation Active Living Guide
- Your name displayed on LCS monitors at Saanich recreation centres
- Special recognition at major community events
- Tax Receipt for the full amount of donation
Legacy Builder - $10,000
This is your opportunity to keep our community vibrant, healthy and strong for future generations. Your commitment may be in the form of cash, products and/or services. You will be proudly acknowledged in the following ways:
- Media coverage
- SLF newsletter and website
- SLF brochures and banners
- Wall plaque
- Recognition in SLF ad space in Saanich Recreation Active Living Guide
- Special recognition at major community events
- Tax receipt for the full amount of donation
Community Leader - $5,000 plus
You are investing in a broad range of community projects that make Saanich the unique community it is today. Your commitment may be in the form of cash, products and/or services. You will be proudly acknowledged in the following ways:
- Media coverage
- SLF newsletter and website
- SLF brochures and banners
- Recognition in SLF ad space in Saanich Recreation Active Living Guide
- Special recognition at major community events
- Tax receipt for the full amount of donation
Event Partner - $1,000 plus
You contribute to the quality of life of Saanich by supporting high-profile events that unite our community. Your commitment may be in the form of cash, products and/or services. You will be proudly acknowledged in the following ways:
- Media coverage
- SLF newsletter and website
- SLF brochures and banners
- Recognition in SLF ad space in Saanich Recreation Active Living Guide
- Tax receipt for the full amount of donation
Supporter any Amount up to $200 plus
Your donations help to sustain a broad range of programs for Saanich youth, economically disadvantaged families and seniors. Your commitment may be in the form of cash, products and/or services. You will be proudly acknowledged in the following ways:
- SLF newsletter and website
- SLF brochures and banners
- Tax receipt for the full amount of donation