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Is high carbohydrate diet bad for type 2 diabetic


What is the Diabetes Diet?

A true type 2 diabetic diet is a diet that strictly excludes all products that are found to have high carbohydrates and are high in white refined sugar. It is very portion-controlled. If you want to live a healthy life then your diet must adhere to this. A balanced, portion-controlled diet plan consisting of slowly digestible carbohydrate foods rather than processed high carb, refined white sugar foods is key in maintaining blood sugar levels in...

How would you modify your diet if you had diabetes?

A true type 2 diabetic diet is a diet that strictly excludes all products that are found to have high carbohydrates and are high in white refined sugar. It is very portion-controlled. If you want to live a healthy life then your diet must adhere to this. A balanced, portion-controlled diet plan consisting of slowly digestible carbohydrate foods rather than processed high carb, refined white sugar foods is key in maintaining blood sugar levels in...

Which type of carbohydrate is limited to 10 percent of the total kilocalories?

Glycogen- stores are optimized by consuming a high carbohydrate diet.

Is 140 high for a type 2 diabetic?

is 140 high for a type 2 diabetic

What type of carbohydrate is sugar?

It is a High type of carbohydrate.

Is it okay for a Diabetic to drink Diet Coke?

Many type I diabetics drink Diet Coke to help regulate ketone levels. Type II diabetics drink diet drinks to help regulate blood glucose levels. The thing is that the aspartame that is used to sweeten many diet drinks has side effects in some people and can be dangerous in higher amounts. Any beverage that a diabetic drinks in moderation and with consideration for blood glucose levels and carbohydrate content is fine.

How many grams of carbohydrate are in a diet?

It depends on what type of diet you eat.

What happens when you eat a diet that is high in carbohydrates?

A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates is likely to be high in calories and low in proteins and healthy fats as well as lacking vitamins, minerals and other essential micro-nutrients. A high carbohydrate diet may contribute not only to obesity but to Type 2 Diabetes and other serious health problems.

Is Diet Coke good for type 2 diabetic?

my grandmother has that, and no its not. so be careful:)

Which foods should be avoided while on a type 2 diabetes diet?

Any food that is high in sugar and fat should be avoided for a type 2 diabetic. In general, an overall healthy diet free of junk foods and rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals should suffice.

What can you eat while you are diabetic and pregnant?

What type of diabetes is this? If it is type 2, then a well balanced diet (from that food pyramid). The diet of a type 2 diabetic is the same as a good idea for any healthy person. If it is type I INSERT ANSWER HERE>. Don't forget the important nutrients in pregnancy like iron, folate and calcium.

How does a Bacardi light and Diet Coke effect a type 2 diabetic?

i think that diet coke is also have some sugar which is harmful

What diabetic diet recipes are the most beneficial?

Diabetics have to be very careful about what type of foods they eat. The most beneficial diabetic diet recipes can be found in cookbooks designated for diabetics where they teach you to substitute certain ingredients.

What is a good carbohydrate consumpstion for a person with type 2 diabetes?

blood sugars rise in response to the amount of carbohydrate you eat, and so the less carbs you eat (within reason) the closer to normal your sugars will be. If your sugars remain high on a diet lowish in carbs, you probably need medication as well as a low carb diet

What recipes are good for type 2 diabetes?

Any recipe that provide a low sugar, low fat and low carbohydrate food/meal is good for a Type 2 Diabetic. Foods that are high in protein are best. Lactose free recipes are also great for diabetics.

Can diabetics eat an orange per day?

Yes. Diabetcs should be regularly checking their blood sugar levels and taking the correct amount of insulin to compensate for their carbohydrate intake (Type 1 Diabetics). Their is no reason for a diabetic person to make any major changes to their diet, although a healthy diet is recommended for anyone, not just those diagnosed as diabetic, again providing that their blood sugar is monitored and their insulin intake is administered correctly.

If I only eat lunch and dinner is this okay if I ham a diabetic?

NO - you must eat a regulated diet of meals & snacks that go with your type of diabetes if you are Type I or Type II - diet is extremely important!!

Can a diabetic patent eat sago?

It is possible for a diabetic patient to eat sago, or foods made with sago, but only in moderation. Sago is a very starchy, very high carbohydrate food, made from a type of palm tree in sub-equatorial regions like New Guinea and Sri Lanka. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates are quickly converted into sugar in the bloodstream, which is not good for a diabetic person.

What does a no sugar diet mean?

Sugars are a type of carbohydrate. Therefore, a no-sugar diet is similar to a low-carb diet. Foods that include refined sugars, or flour (a simple carbohydrate), are typically avoided in favor of higher fat and protein content. Dr. Atkin's famous diet is a particular example.

Can diabetic patients eat sweet corn?

Corn is high in starch, a type of carbohydrate that can quickly raise blood sugar levels. This doesn't mean that as a diabetic you need to completely forgo corn, however. Corn contains plenty of healthy nutrients, including iron, vitamins A and B-6, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and selenium. It also provides a high level of fiber and is considered a whole-grain food. To properly include corn in a diabetic diet, consume it...

What would be a good diabetic diet for someone with diabetes?

The best diet for anyone with diabetes is the diet that your doctor gave them. The foods that a person with diabetes can eat will vary depending on the type of diabetes the person has.

Is rice high in carbohydrate?

Yes, rice is relatively high in carbohydrate. For the carbohydrate content of rice, by weight and type of rice, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Does diabetes dehydrate?

if you have high ketones in your urine and are any type diabetic you can be dehydrated.

Is it possible for anyone with diabetes to be healthy and not use insulin?

It is possible for a non-insulin-dependent diabetic type 2 to be healthy if the effort is made. Moreover, there is growing evidence that some non-insulin-dependent diabetic type twos can (through sustained effort) "reverse" their diabetic diagnoses via diet and exercise.

Are less carbohydrates better for you?

Far less refined (processed) carbohydrate is better for health. That type of carbohydrate is a major cause of weight gain, obesity, and many diet related diseases. The best type of carbohydrate comes from fresh vegetables and fruit. Fresh vegetables and fruits are not refined/processed carbohydrates.

How much is six units of insulin for a diabetic?

It depends on the type of insulin and also the diabetic. It varies greatly on long acting insulin and short acting insulin. For short acting insulin you need to find out the insulin to carbohydrate ratio for a diabetic first. Using a sliding scale you need to determine the blood sugar of the diabetic and also how many carbohydrates they have ingested. Whether or not it is a Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic will...

What has the author Clarie Hollenbeck written?

Clarie Hollenbeck - has written: 'The effect of high carbohydrate, low fat diets on lipoprotein lipids, apoproteins, nutritional status and diabetic control in insulin dependent (Type I) diabetes mellitus' -- subject(s): Diabetes, Nutritional aspects, Nutritional aspects of Diabetes

Is cauliflower starchy?

Cauliflower is a type of vegetable that is known for being low in starch. This is why it is commonly consumed by those who are on a low carbohydrate diet.

Does sandwiches give you carbohydrates?

Yes, and generally quite a lot of them too. Bread is made from grains of some type, which are the predominant source of dietary carbohydrate. Sandwiches generally are not considered part of a low carbohydrate diet.

How many types of a diebetic diet are available?

There are several diabetic diets available depending on the type of diabetes you suffer from. In this day and age having diabetes does not impair you from enjoying the food that you may love. The American Heart association is a great place to start when looking for great meals and diet plans that is diabetic friendly.

What types of foods are listed as diabetic and what type of non diabetic foods can you buy?

Generally, meat, fish, whole grains and green leafy vegetables are listed as diabetic, because they help lower blood sugar levels, and are also considered part of a healthy diet. Non-diabetic foods should be consumed in moderation if one is suffering from diabetes.

Is ice creme yogurt good for a diabetic?

It depends on what type of type of diabetic you are.

What is the simplest type of carbohydrate?

The simplest type of carbohydrate is glucose.

What is a good Type 2 diabetes diet plan?

For a good Type 2 diabetes diet plan, you should always watch for and constrict the amount of carbohydrate you take in; you should try to eat more fiber, and you should eat low-fat foods.

You are 92 lbs and your blood sugar level is still high?

Then you are a type 1 diabetic. Go see a doctor.

Do high glucose means that you are a diabetic?

Diabetes is defined as hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) due to ineffective insulin signalling. If your blood sugar is high and it doesn't decrease efficiently after meals, you have either type I or type II diabetes.

Is carbohydrate a type of wax?

Carbohydrate is not a wax.

What is a good diet for someone who suffers from diabetic nephropathy?

Anything that will help keep your blood-sugar levels in check, so the type of diet that anyone with diabetes should follow. The strictness of the diet will of course depend on the type and severity of diabetes. With something medical related, it's always best to check with your doctor and/or specialist on specifics. In this case, you should ask your Nephrologist, assuming you see one. You could always google something along the lines of "diabetic...

What is the cure for your diabetic cat?

Unfortunately, there currently is no cure for type one diabetes. Fortunately, most diabetic cats (over 80%) have a problem similar to type-two diabetes in humans. This can be addressed with diet and insulin injections with frequent blood sugar monitoring at home, and in more than half the cases the insulin dose can slowly be decreased (over two or three months) to zero. Do not attempt this with diet alone or oral medications at first. Insulin...

What type of compound is high fructose corn syrup?

HFCS is a mixture of fructose, glucose, and water. The glucose and fructose are simple sugars...a type of carbohydrate.

Can a type 2 diabetic be a merchant marine?

Yes, I am both a type 2 diabetic and a merchant seaman

How often do type one diabetics take insulin?

The timing of insulin treatments depends on the type of insulin a diabetic is using. There is rapid acting with last 4 hours, short acting which lasts 8 hours, intermediate lasting 20 hours and long acting which can last up to 24 hours. The frequency of injections depends on the type of insulin and diet of the diabetic.

Should a diabetic eat fresh mango?

Diabetics should eat 2-3 servings of fruit per day. Although fruit is high in natural sugar, it is still a component of a healthy diet. Fruit can be eaten at the time as a small serving of proteins, like a handful of raw almonds, to help metabolize the sugar more slowly. If you are type 1 diabetic just calculate the carbs to take your insulin.

Is a diabetes diet really any different to the type of diet all humans should all be on?

A diabetic diet can benefit most people as it limits the amounts of simple carbohydrates (foods that equate to almost instant blood sugar). In addition to these limitations most humans could benefit from a die lower in saturated fats and sodium (salt in all its forms) and higher in nutritious vegetables. A diabetic diet limits the type and amount of fruits which most healthy individuals could benefit from as well - like oranges (fiber and...

Is carbohydrate allowed for a diabetic patient?

Yes, but it is the type of carbohydrate that is the important thing. Complex carbohydrates, containing dietary fiber, are ideal for diabetic patients. These include whole grain products, fruits and vegetables. Even with these "good" carbohydrates, calorie counts must be done, so as not to exceed total daily calories (as excess caloric intake causes blood glucose levels to rise). Simple carbohycrates, in the form of table sugar, corn syrup and the like, are to be...

What type of carbohydrate is a baked potato?

It is a complex carbohydrate

How will crack affect a diabetic?

how does crack effect a type 1 diabetic

Can a diabetic take hgh?

I am type 11 diabetic diet benefits - can i take hgh?

What kind of foods are rich in carbohydrates?

Pasta, rice, bread, cakes, biscuits, cereal, noodles, potatoes, wheat, corn, sugar, and jaggery are a few. Just a word of advice: Don't eat too much carbohydrates if you don't do vigorous workout. Excessive carbohydrates will turn into fat. Moreover, a high carbohydrate diet can lead to diet related diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, weight gain and obesity. For lists and more information about: 'bad' carbohydrates 'good' carbohydrates...

Oral medications for diabetes?

Type II (adult-onset) diabetes usually is first treated with a diabetic diet and then oral hypoglycemic medications. The first medication, most commonly used, is metformin (brand name = Glucophage). There are dozens of other oral diabetic medications, as well.


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