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Good Poker Hints
So you just started playing poker and you understand the guidelines but you can't appear to win. Let's turn that around so you may start winning. Whether you are playing in home poker games or at the local casino follow these three golden rules and you will set yourself up for success at the tables.
Golden Rule Number One - Quit Seeing numerous Flops
A great deal of new players see entirely way to many flops. The old saying goes, "you cannot win by folding your hands". While this is true it should read like this, "you can not win by folding your GOOD hands". You should play conservative when you are first beginning especially whenever you first sit down at the table. Many beginners are one dimensional thinkers were they only think how good the cards they have are. Elevate that line of thought to "I wonder how good my card are compared to the other players". The bottom line is tighten up your play. Play pocket pairs and face cards like QJ, AJ, KQ, AK, KJ to start until you get a feel for the other players and which kind of game you are in. There is nothing wrong with folding more often, plus you will appear as a tighter player so other players will think you are only entering flops where you have good cards.
Golden Rule Number Two - Play in Position
What this signifies is play in hands in which you will be the last person to act. It's great to be associated with hands whenever you are either on the button or perhaps the button has just passed you. It means that everybody else at the table shall have to check, bet or call a raise before you decide to do. This provides you with insight as to just what the other players holdings are. This really is called being in late position. If you are in a hand and the first person to act raises then the next person re-raises, just fold unless you have KK or AA. This is a very strong move that people typically make when they are holding a monster hand. If you were in early position and someone re-raised you will be less reluctant to fold but you should here and additionally re-raising ahead of the flop is a very strong move. When playing most of your hands in late position it makes it simpler to fold and saves you a great deal of cash.
Golden Rule Number Three - Do not Chase
I've seen this time and time again where players are waiting to hit the straight or perhaps the flush and they keep calling and keep losing money only to never hit. Know your odds. You have about a 38% chance of hitting a straight or flush if you have 4 cards between your hand and also the flop to make your hand. Let's proceed through an example. There is $10 within the pot and you need one more card to hit your flush (38% chance of hitting). The player behind you just bet $10 making it a $20 pot and you have to call $10. It's important to call 50% of the pot as a way to give yourself a 38% chance of winning. This is a bad bet and overtime you will lose money. Alternatively in that same scenario if there is $10 in the pot as well as the player behind you bets $4 making the pot $14 and also you have to call $4. You will need to call 28% of the pot and also you have a 38% chance of winning. Call, this really is a good bet. You will discover plenty of free resources online gambling ( try - ) in which you can find simple poker math.